Usability and Satisfaction in Digital Environments with ICT for Distance Learning by University Students

Rubén A. More Valencia, María G. Albán Suárez, Mariela L. Córdova Espinoza, Rosa D. Castro Tesen

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


The research arises due to the impact on the teaching and learning processes in digital environments in university education, given that important impacts were generated, one of them being the provisional modality of distance education, given this situation a priori it can be mentioned that the higher the level of usability of information technologies, the higher the degree of satisfaction of those involved, such as teachers, students and authorities. There are key factors in the study that were analyzed as results in which 1057 students participated, so that the development and progress of their education at university level is not truncated, such as the level of use of new information and communication technologies that university students have, finding that 69.73% (737) have a high level, 29.80% (315) regular and only 0.47% (5) a low level. 47% (5) a low level, and the degree of satisfaction of the university students with regard to the new information and communication technologies was observed, finding that 54.49% (576) have a regular level, 35.57% (376) a high level and only 9.93% (105) have a low level of satisfaction. It can be affirmed that the majority of students have a regular level of satisfaction.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)19-29
Number of pages11
JournalCEUR Workshop Proceedings
StatePublished - 2023
Event2023 International Conference on Systems Engineering, JINIS 2023 - Arequipa, Peru
Duration: 3 Oct 20235 Oct 2023


  • Distance Learning
  • Distance Learning
  • ICTs
  • Teaching and Learning
  • University Education
  • Virtual Environments


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